Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji Maharaj (Sweet Papa ji)

His Excellency, Hazoor Maharaj ‘Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan’ descended from anami [‘Eternal Abode’] on Tuesday, August 15, 1967 in a small vicinity [Sri Gurusar Modia] of District Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan) in the holy royal family of most revered Sardar Maghar Singh Ji and most pious mother, Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji. 
Shah Mastana Ji in his last satsang (spiritual discourse) in January, 1960 had repeatedly said, "Exactly after seven years we will come again in the form of the third body (the Third Master). Sometimes people do not at once believe the words of saints, but when the said thing is proved true, then they realize its significance. Similarly, at that time no devotee could understand this statement of Shah Mastana Ji. It proved true and was realized when Huzoor Maharaj Sant Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji incarnated on 15th, August 1967, exactly after the completion of the said seven years.
His Holiness was the only child in his family. Thus His Holiness was the favourite of all and was loved by all. Deeds and activities of His Holiness from the very childhood illustrated that he was not an ordinary child. The respected parents also came to realize that their son was not a mere child but the very image of the Lord. Therefore, they never hurt him physically or verbally. The natives of the village also had come to know about the great soul. His Holiness, since childhood, was of a very kind and helping nature. His Holiness helped the poor and the needy financially and in every required way. These inborn qualities of His Holiness are a part of his personality today as well. His Holiness at the age of seven got Naam from Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji at Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa on 31st, March 1974. In other words, one Master Saint found the other one. After getting Naam, His Holiness motivated his friends to get the same.

वचन ज्यों के त्यों सच हुए

1960 में बेपरवाह मस्ताना जी ने चोला बदलने से पहले सब सेवादारों को वचन फरमाए " असीं सात साल बाद फिर तीसरी बाडी के रूप में आएँगे " ! मस्ताना जी महारज के चोला बदलने के सात साल बाद 1967 में पूज्य हजूर पिता संत गुरमीत राम रहीम सिंह जी इन्सां ने श्री गुरुसर मोडिया में अवतार धारण किया !

एक बारगी पूजनीय शाह मस्ताना जी को किसी प्रेमी ने अर्ज की सांई जी तुंसी सेवादारों को सोना चाँदी ,नए -नए कपडे बाँटते हो ,पर संवय फटे व पेबंद वाले कपडे पहनते हो ! तब बेपरवाह शाह मस्ताना जी ने फ़रमाया " पुत्र ! फ़िक्र ना कर ,जब तीसरी बाडी में आयेंगे तो रोज़ बदल बदल कर पहना करेंगे,काल की लीद निकल देंगे" बेपरवाह शाह मस्ताना जी के वचनानुसार एंव साध संगत की इच्छानुसार रूहानी जाम के समय पूज्य हजूर पिता जी विभिन्न प्रकार की पोशाकें पहन-पहन कर इलाही वचनों को प्रत्यक्ष साबित कर रहे है!

बेपरवाह शाह मस्ताना जी मकान बनवा देते और फिर गिरवा देते तथा फिर बनवा देते! किसी प्रेमी ने सांई जी से इस बारे में अर्ज की कि सांई जी ऐसा क्यों करते हो तो सांई जी ने फ़रमाया की "पुत्र असीं तो मकान बनवाते है ,तीसी बाडी बने बनाये मकान जमीं पर उतार लिया करेगी ,प्रत्यक्ष को प्रमाण की जरुरत नहीं होती सारी साध संगत जानती है की पूज्य पिता संत गुरमीत राम रहीम सिंह जी इन्सां की रहनुमाई में केवल 17 दिनों में शाह सतनाम जी सारवजनिक हस्पताल श्री गुरुसर मोडिया का निर्माण व मात्र 45 दिनों में शाह सतनाम जी क्रिकेट स्टेडियम का तैयार होना अपने आप में हैरानी जनक बात है !

बेपरवाह शाह मस्ताना जी महाराज ने शाह मस्ताना जी धाम में वचन फरमाए कि " हुन तां मौज तुहाडे विच फिर रही है ,फिर ऐसा समय आएगा जब हाथी पर चढ़े होंगे फिर दर्शन हुआ करेंगे ! पूज्य हजूर पिता जी की शाही स्टेज जिसकी ऊँचाई हाथी की ऊँचाई से भी ज्यादा है और सत्संग के समय पर पिता जी इस स्टेज को चलाकर साध संगत को दर्शन देते है और कई बाहर के सत्संगों में हजूर पिता जी हाथी पर सवार हो कर भी संगत को दर्शनों से निहाल करते हैं !

जिस जगह पर आज शाह सतनाम जी धाम है किसी समय इस जगह पर बड़े बड़े बालू रेत के टीले हुआ करते थे ! एक बार बेपरवाह शाह मस्ताना जी महाराज नेजिया खेडा स्तिथ डेरे से वापिस सिरसा की तरफ आ रहे थे उसी दौरान उन टीलों पर रुके और वचन फरमाए "इस जगह सचखंड का नमून बनेगा , चारो तरफ बाग़ बहारें होंगी ,नेजिया से शहर तक संगत ही संगत होगी ! रूहानी वचनों की सच्चाई आज सबके सामने है ! पूज्य हजूर पिता जी ने इस जगह पर शाह सतनाम जी धाम बनवाया ! यहाँ हर तरह के फल फूल उगाये जाते है पूज्य हजूर पिता जी की रहनुमाई में आज इस जगह पर कई तरह के फलदायी व गुणकारी फल पेड़ पोधे लगाये जा रहे है जिनमे से कई तो वैज्ञानिकों की अनुसार सिर्फ ठंडी जगह पर ही संभव है पर दरबार में सारे पोधे लहलहा रहे है !

एक बार एक सेवादार ने अर्ज कि सांई जी आप हमेशा तीसरी बाडी में आने की बात करते हो तो हमें केसे पता चलेगा की तुंसी तीसरी बाडी में आये हो इस पर बेपरवाह जी ने फ़रमाया "पुत्र जब सूरज चढ़ता है तो सबको पता चलता है जब तीसरी बाडी के रूप में आयेंगे ,तूफानी रूप में काम करेंगे सच्चे सौदे की चारो और रड मच जाएगी , तो समझना असीं ही आये हाँ! आज डेरा सच्चा सौदा पूज्य पिता जी की रहनुमाई में हर छेत्र में रक्तदान ,पोधारोपन ,जरुरतमंदो की मदद के अलावा प्रतेयक मानवता भलाई के काम में पुरे विश्व में अग्रणी है !

more about guru ji''


Dera Sacha Sauda 

 DERA SACHA SAUDA is a non-profit spiritual organization based in SirsaHaryana, India. It was established by the ascetic Mastana Balochistani in 1948, as a center for spiritual learning.
(Punjabiਡੇਰਾ ਸੱਚਾ ਸੌਦਾHindiडेरा सच्चा सौदा) colloquially DSS)
The organisation has achieved Guinness World Records for several blood donation drives and a tree-planting initiative.[1][2]The organization has also received extensive media coverage due to several controversies it has been involved 

Principles :-

The sect cites as its principles, laid down by Shah Mastana ji maharaj: secularism, equality, no acceptance of materialistic wealth, and truth and faith over everything else, meditation to the road of truth, quietism, strict individual discipline, strict social discipline, hard work, faith and meditation to escape from re-births

Welfare activities:-Green S Welfare Force

Singh formed a welfare and disaster relief organisation called "Shah Satnam Ji Green-S Welfare Force", which now has more than 44,000 doctors, engineers, rescuers, paramedics, and tradesmen participating. The organisation has rendered aid during many of India's natural disasters.Volunteers of the force participate in tree planting in New ZealandCleanliness Earth Campaign
Singh started a Cleanliness Earth Campaigns in India with a banner of ‘Cleanse the planet earth, to remove disease and curse’ (‘Ho prithvi saaf, mite rog abhishaap’) on 21 September 2011 with a two days campaign in New Delhi with over two lakh followersThis was followed by a series of campaign's in different cities (Gurgaon, Puri, Jaipur).


The organization has acclaimed a list of world "records" and excellence "awards" which has helped the society.and many more..........
  • Largest blood donation.
  • Largest eye health screening
  • Most trees planted globally.

Charitable programs

Singh has initiated a variety of charitable programs during his tenure.


Creating awareness among the women in prostitution of their 

human rights and helping them to get out of this. & their 


  • An annual eye care camp on 13–15 December each year, staffed by eye surgeons.[20]

Dera Sacha Sauda has always worked for these causes and will keep on doing so in future as well for the welfare of the whole society.

Saint Gumeet Ram Rahim singh ji Insaan is really great, who devoted his whole life for these noble deeds and inspired every human being to serve the society. There are no words that can thank him or can express our gratitude for his magnanimity. 

  • A campaign against female foeticide; the organisation has also built the Shahi Betiyan Basera for orphan[clarification needed] girls who were to be killed by their parents. This home is called the Home for the Royal Daughters and provides amenities for destitute female children.[21]
  • Support for the transgendered; Singh has directed his organisation members to help intersex children who join itinerant transgender communities. He plans to support their schooling in special institutions.[22] This community is heavily afflicted with HIV due to commercial sex.
  • Anti-prostitution initiatives; in November 2009 Singh called on his followers to counter prostitution, and to help sex-workers escape a "life of perpetual slavery".[23] Over 1450 followers were reported to have responded to the call and offered to marry sex-workers to "help them escape their dreary existence".[24][25][26][27][28] Singh referred to these former prostitutes as shubh devi ("holy angel").[citation needed]
  • Tree planting.[29]
  • Disaster relief; DSS made a large contribution to Gujarat Earthquake relief in the year 2001.[30]
  • Sports programs: in 2004 the Parampita Shah Satnam Ji Educational and Welfare Society, which is affiliated with Dera Sacha Sauda, built the Shah Satnam ji Cricket Stadium in Sirsa, Haryana. Using a workforce of 10,000, the stadium was said to have been built in 45 days and have a capacity of 30,000.[31] It is spread over 100 acres, which would make the second largest in Asia.[32]
  • Organ and whole-body donation; DSS encourages donation of bodies and eyes after death.[33] It has emerged as one of the leading whole body donor agencies as per newspaper reports.[34]

References (sure check it)

  1. ^ Largest Blood Donation. Guinness Book of World Records
  2. ^ "Dera again makes it to Guinness Book of World Records Collects 43,732 units of blood in a day"The Tribune. Nov 15, 2010. Retrieved 26 May 2011.
  3. a b http://www.tehelka.com/story_main33.asp?filename=Ts0110807investigation.asp
  4. ^ http://www.tehelka.com/story_main33.asp?filename=Ts0110807damning.asp
  5. ^ Valson Thampu (May 2000). Pilgrims to the light: encounters in a shared destiny. Har-Anand Publications. pp. 111–. ISBN 978-81-241-0643-3. Retrieved 26 April 2011.
  6. ^ Rajalakshmi, T. K. (December 21, 2002 - January 03, 2003). "Godman under a cloud"The Hindu (Chennai, India). Retrieved 7 March 2011.
  7. ^ derasachasauda.org
  8. ^ "Devastating fire breaks out in Darjeeling market". Hindustan Times. Retrieved 2012-04-20.
  9. ^ "1,500 Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers earn praise for rescue efforts". Hindustan Times. Retrieved 2012-04-17.
  10. ^ "Heroes of Jalandhar who saved many lives". IBN Live. Retrieved 2012-04-26.
  11. ^ "Disaster Relief Organization". Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Society. Retrieved 2011-01-29.
  12. ^ "Army of volunteers head to Pit Park". Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Society. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  13. ^ "Sacha Sauda organizes sanitation drive in city - Times of India". Times of India. 2011-09-22.
  14. ^ "Dera followers hold cleanliness drive , Gurgaon". tribuneindia.com. 2011-12-17.
  15. ^ "Sacha Sauda organizes another campaign in Puri, Orrisa - Tpuriwaves.nirmalya.in". puriwaves.nirmalya.in. 2012-05-06.
  16. ^ "Sacha Sauda organizes sanitation drive in Jaipur- Times of India". Times of India. 2011-11-02.
  17. ^ "Blood Donation Camp". guinnessworldrecords.in. Retrieved 2010-08-10.
  18. ^ "Eye-Health Checkup Camp". guinnessworldrecords.in. Retrieved 2010-12-12.
  19. ^ "World record in environmental preservation". guinnessworldrecords.in. Retrieved 2010-11-15.
  20. ^ "Eye Camp Organised". Tribuneindia.com. Retrieved 2011-03-21.
  21. ^ "Home for destitute girls". The Tribune. Retrieved 2010-01-16.
  22. ^ "Dera followers offer to wed sex workers - Times Of India". Timesofindia.indiatimes.com. 2009-11-14. Retrieved 2011-03-21.
  23. ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKJRer6UFNA Appeal
  24. ^ Sethi, Swati (14 November 2009). "Dera followers offer to wed sex workers"The Times of India. Retrieved 16 December 2009.
  25. ^ "Indian sect members vow to marry sex workers - Manchester News". Manchesterwired.co.uk. Retrieved 2011-01-29.
  26. ^ "Dera Sacha Sauda members to marry sex workers | hotklix". Timesofindia.hotklix.com. Retrieved 2011-03-21.
  27. ^ IANS (2009-12-21). "Dera members offer to marry sex workers - The Times of India". Timesofindia.indiatimes.com. Retrieved 2011-03-21.
  28. ^ "A welfare organization". Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Wing. Retrieved 2011-03-21.
  29. ^ "Dera followers launch tree plantation drive". The Tribune. Retrieved 2010-01-16.
  30. ^ "Haryana to adopt quake-hit villages". Tribuneindia.com. 1 February 2001. Retrieved 2011-03-21.
  31. ^ "A medal for this stadium". Chennai, India: The Hindu. 2004-09-06. Retrieved 2007-05-17.
  32. ^ "Cricket stadium"The Tribune. 2004-09-07. Retrieved 2007-05-17.
  33. ^ "Dera follower’s body donated to medical college". The Tribune. Retrieved 2010-01-16.
  34. ^ "Dera to donate bodies to medical colleges in S India". Indianexpress.com. 2010-02-01. Retrieved 2011-03-21.
  35. ^ Charges against Dera chief framed. The Times of India, 6 September 2008.
  36. ^ Daily hearing of rape cases against Dera chief from today. The Times of India, 28 September 2011.
  37. ^ Tehelka - The People's Paper
  38. ^ Witness turns hostile in Chhatrapati murder case - Indian Express
  39. ^ Raman, Sunil (2007-05-17). "India tensions over Sikh protests"BBC News. Retrieved 2007-05-17.
  40. ^ "Punjab limping back to normalcy, isolated protests". Chennai, India: The Hindu. 2007-05-19. Retrieved 2007-05-25.
  41. ^ "Fresh apology, this time to Sikhs"tribuneindia.com. June 20, 2007. Retrieved 1 August 2010.

External links